Skift Take
It’s a wonder whether the travel advisories from senior U.S. health authorities still have an effect as Omicron is now an international variant and vaccinated folks will travel if they wish to.
Lebawit Lily Girma
The U.S. Centers for Illness Control and Prevention (CDC) on Tuesday recommended versus travel to 22 nations and territories due to the fact that of a rising number of COVID-19 cases, consisting of for Israel, Australia, Egypt, Albania, Argentina and Uruguay.
The CDC raised its travel recommendation to “Level 4: Very High,” informing Americans they ought to avoid travel to those locations, which also consist of Panama, Qatar, the Bahamas, Bahrain, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands, Suriname, Saint Lucia and Bolivia.
In total, the CDC now lists just over 100 countries and areas at “Level 4.” The CDC likewise raised another 20 nations to Level 3: High,” consisting of Uganda, Kuwait, Jamaica, Costa Rica and Cuba. The CDC advises that unvaccinated Americans avoid inessential travel to those locations.
This post was written by David Shepardson from Reuters and was lawfully licensed through the Industry Dive Material Marketplace. Please direct all licensing concerns to [email safeguarded]
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